Select 2010 SAMAB Fall Conference Posters and Presentations

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Poster Session

Biological Information Needs in the Southern Appalachians, a poster by Miriam Steiner Davis, Suzie Allard, Crol Tenopir, Christopher Caldwell, and Jana Redmond (pdf 301kb)

A Changing Mountain Landscape, poster by Vicki Bott, Jim Foxx, and John Vogler (pdf 2.23mb)

Ecological Restoration
Ecosystem Restoration on the Bankhead National Forest of Alabama by Ben Prater (pdf 5.7mb)

Natural Disturbance and Forest Structure by Beverly Collins, Peter Whie, and Gary Weir (pdf 2.60mb)

Ecological Processes and Restoration of Habitat Structure and Composition for Wildlife in the Southern Appalachians by Kendrick Weeks (pdf 2.37mb)

Restoration of Fire-Apated Ecosystems in the Central and Southern Appalachians by Mareck Smith, Sam Lindblom, Steve Croy, Margit Bucher, and Beth Buchanan (pdf 4.08mb)

Communicating Climate Change
Climate Change Education Resources and Challenges by Mary Ball (pdf 5.47mb)

Distributing Phenology Data – The National Phenology Dataset Explorer by Todd Pierce, Matt Hutchins, Jeff Hicks, Karin Lichtenstein, and Mark Phillips (pdf 2.83mb)

Habitat Recovery and Conservation Plans – An urgency to adjust to the new normal by John Peine and Kathleen Franzreb (pdf 8.24mb)

Stakeeholder Engagement and Conducting Climate Change Assessments in Western North Carolina by Matt Hutchins, Greg Dobson, Jim Fox, and Karin Lichtenstein (pdf 2.91mb)

How Organizations Posted on the NBII-SAIN Best Sustianability Practices Website are Addressing Climate Change by John Peine (pdf 6.3mb)

Toward a National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology by William W. Hargrove, Joseph P. Spruce, Forrest M. Hoffman and Steven P. Norman (link)

Communicating Climate Change in an Uncertain and Pre-Occupied World by Jim Fox (pdf 6.61mb)

Ecosystem Response to Climite Change:  Assessment of Effects and Adaption Strategies by Laura Gad (PowerPoint 7,435KB)

Green Infrastructure Planning for Sustainability and Resiliency by Linda Giltz (pdf 5.07mb)

Agency and NGO Initiatives
Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative – A Science Management Partnership to Address Landscape Scale Conservation (pdf 2.8mb)