The Southern Appalachian Biosphere Region (SABR) is a UNESCO-recognized Biosphere Reserve and part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The SABR includes portions of seven U.S. states in the Southern Appalachians. The Southern Appalachian Biosphere Cooperative (SABC, formerly the Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere) is a collective of scientists, private individuals, tribal leaders, policy- and decision-makers, and agencies from throughout the SABR who work together to promote communication and action on key issues, with a focus on decision-making to foster sustainability.

Biosphere Regions (BRs) serve as models that contribute to sustainable economic development.

Our vision is a world where people are conscious of their common future and interaction with our planet, and act collectively and responsibly to build thriving societies in harmony within the biosphere.

Lima Action Plan

Each Biosphere Region consists of three key interacting parts:

  • Core Areas are protected natural areas that are recognized internationally for their importance to the natural world.
  • Buffer Zones surround Core Areas and are used for scientific research, monitoring, training, and education.
  • Transition Areas are the outermost areas of BRs, where communities come together to foster socio-cultural and ecologically sustainable economic development.

From the Southern Appalachian Biosphere Region (SABR)

Latest: See just one of the many reasons the SABR is so unique here!

The success of Biosphere Regions and Sustainable Development Goals ultimately depend on highly cooperative, cross-organizational interactions and community engagement!